A selection of sassy birthday cards for women of all ages.

Best friends don't care if your house is clean or not. They know all about you and love you anyway.
Send them a card just to let them know how much they mean to you.

A selection of birthday cards especially for men.

In this section, you will find cards for weddings, anniversaries and even divorce!
Alice On The Big Screen:
Day Time Ottawa
Alice Hinther showcases some of her greeting cards, paintings, upcycled furniture as well as her children's book, "The Adventures of Mr. Mouse" on the local Ottawa Television show Day Time Ottawa.
Find Alice Hinter cards in these stores!
Alice Hinther's greeting cards are available in the following cities and stores.
The Adventures of Mr. Mouse
The story of Mr. Mouse started when I decided to build a little mouse house in the staircase at my cottage with my then 8-year-old grandson, Ty. I cut a hole in the riser of the stair and built a little living room scene behind the staircase complete with chairs, a couch, a coffee table and magazines that he could peer into. We then started setting up various scenes - Mr. Mouse preparing Easter dinner, Mr. Mouse cleaning the dishes after hosting Easter dinner, Mr. Mouse working in his workshop, etc.
Before I knew it, Mr. Mouse had a whole life of his own and I started building a story around him. Mr. Mouse, whose first name is Orville, is a widowed mouse. His wife, Ethel, passed away 2 years ago and he lives in a rambling old house on his own. He is a retired carpenter, so he busies himself with carpentry projects in his workshop. He has many other hobbies such as cooking, painting, fishing and hiking but often feels lonely and would like to find a Mrs. Mouse to share his life with.
The stories follow his adventures and his pursuits in finding the perfect mate.